actually, I am a dad ; but I take being called a mom as a great complement.

Thank you — I am often shocked too — but remain hopeful.

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What a great mother you are! This made me tear up - it’s horrific knowing that we still live in times where racism and bigotry still run awry. The education you are giving your children is the best gift you could bestow upon them.

“We want them strong enough to confront hatred, yet choose kindness.” As a mother, you would think that this is the ultimate goal of all parents, I am forever shocked to learn that we do not all think in this manner.

Thank you for this post x

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It is sad to say that this is a great post - a recounting of hate and evil. But as noted, of hope, if we can all fight, like your daughter, against it. And not shirk back like how we all do when hate is spewed in the train.

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil ~ Thomas Mann.

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N=11. Makes sense to me. My colleague Rick from our wedding spoke of his mother’s internment, and the impact on their family. Sitting right here in the middle of dark times, history repeating, and Jan 1 went off with such a Bang, literally.


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